Michael Jackson - Heal The World lyrics

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Michael Jackson - Heal The World

Michael Jackson - Heal The World lyrics

Music video: Michael Jackson - Heal The World *

Related tags: michael jackson world better living enough people entire little


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Comments (217)
What do you think about this song?

good song!

chicha (indonesia 10.07.2009)

selamat tinggal Jacko...nama dan lagumu akan aku kenang selalu

Kasah (Singaraja Bali 10.07.2009)

Jecko... U r the best... I like all u songs... Good bye forever.

Unj0nk (Amuntai 10.07.2009)

we love you jacko. forever... and ever.

rizky (indonesia 10.07.2009)

I will never foret you. you best

irma (Lithuania 09.07.2009)

I love this song! It's so inspiring! He is a great legendary! In his legacy he heals the world with his lyric! God bless him!

Linda (Canada 09.07.2009)

it's a great song ever...

vony (indonesia 09.07.2009)

good bye jacko i hope you happy in there i love you jacko..

oki oktavianti (indonesia 09.07.2009)

i like this heal the world.. jacko,love you so much . you are the best ;)

tykamandha (indonesia 09.07.2009)

I luV dis s0ng much..much..

Vie (Ind0nesian 09.07.2009)

good bye jacko...

ghany frida malik (indonesia 09.07.2009)

I love You and I always miss You,Jacko.

Party Ramadhana Sitepu (Sarolangun,jambi 08.07.2009)

Good bye jecko..we love your song always and i don't forget you..you is number one of world and the best king of pop..good bye..i crying for you =[ .

Tiaranas achmad (Indonesia 08.07.2009)

We love you Jecko...we are always miss you...good bye Jecko...the king of pop...forever...never like you

Ladii Fushiia Krazy (Australia 08.07.2009)

jacko we are alwalys miss you , but we love you . . good bye michael jackson you're the king of pop you're the best singer

vidhtly (indonesia (jakarta utara) 08.07.2009)

good bye jacko...we never forget you forever, you're not alone

lelly (Indonesia 08.07.2009)

Yes i willnot forget jackson, in my heart jackson is the beST of king of pop

Michael hurt (Los Anggels 08.07.2009)

We sad for your dead jackson

Berry (Indonesia(depok) 08.07.2009)

we must create world with no fear

Vina (Indonesia(depok) 08.07.2009)

We are the world,we are the childern to all.. don`t forget jacko

Berry (Indonesia(depok) 08.07.2009)

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Michael Jackson - Heal The World and all other song lyrics on this site are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational and informational use only. All song texts are personal interpretations of real songs and has no concern to the original texts. All music videos are from Youtube. We don't have any video on our server, this is only an automatic search for videos hosted on Youtube. If you like the song, please buy relative CD.
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