Michael Jackson - Heal The World lyrics

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Michael Jackson - Heal The World

Michael Jackson - Heal The World lyrics

Music video: Michael Jackson - Heal The World *

Related tags: michael jackson world better living enough people entire little


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Comments (217)
What do you think about this song?

I like thiz s0ng...! I aLWayZ lizten...if i saD... AnD i fEeL bEtTer..! I loVe u jaCk0..!

Jojorea (Lampung 16.07.2009)

king of pop his gone . . .

rendra (indonesia 16.07.2009)

very good singer

egidijus (Lithuania 15.07.2009)

Maybe michael jackson is the legend and the real of king of pop

DHEA (INDONESIA 15.07.2009)

jackois my live i like you very much

rehan (gresik 15.07.2009)

Michael Jackson didn't miss something to sing about it, i am fan, and i appreciate every word he sang, Heal the world is one of many favorite songs i used to listen for Michael.

Mariam (Egypt 14.07.2009)

i love your song.. coz your song have special meaning to the children in this world good bye MICHAEL JACKSON your name will always in our heart..JESUS LOVE U

jefry junaidy hutapea (indonesia 14.07.2009)

i think this song is good and also sad coz it tells about the human race.. jacko cares to the people in this world..i love u MJ

juna steve andrea (indonesia 14.07.2009)

i like your song..i Love Jacko

aRum (IndonesiA 14.07.2009)

michael jackson will everlasting in my heart me i love u.

nisa (indonesia 14.07.2009)

i LOvE miCHaeL jaCksOn...!!! goOd by3 foReVer...

LucAteLO (inDOneSia 13.07.2009)

You are always in my heart.. I LOVE YOU..You are my favorite artist... gud bye..I will never foret you.

Dena (Lietuva 13.07.2009)

smga jacko tnank d sisi allah swt.amien ya robbie . . . wangepenz bgt ma U . . .I LOVE YOU JACKO

dela purnama sari (medhan't 13.07.2009)

ya ampun.. michael jackson itu hbat bget.. kren" smoga dya d trima di sisi ALLAH yank maha bsar. amin. ^^

tiara (gag tw dmna 12.07.2009)

haha, saya BB

yiyin bau (bandung 12.07.2009)

Michaek jacson,u are the best for me..i like so much for songs

Wita (Indonesia 12.07.2009)

Jacko You are my favorite artist... I like so much your song.. I think you are the best...best...best

Nurrr (Indonesia 12.07.2009)

You are always in my heart.. I LOVE YOU..

arNETTa (iNDonEsIA 11.07.2009)

I lie your song forever and never

Rient (Indonesia 11.07.2009)

Jacko jacko jacko gud bye.. U'll nver die in my n ur fans heart ..

David (Dumai,riau 11.07.2009)

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Michael Jackson - Heal The World and all other song lyrics on this site are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational and informational use only. All song texts are personal interpretations of real songs and has no concern to the original texts. All music videos are from Youtube. We don't have any video on our server, this is only an automatic search for videos hosted on Youtube. If you like the song, please buy relative CD.
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