Michael Jackson - Heal The World lyrics

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Michael Jackson - Heal The World

Michael Jackson - Heal The World lyrics

Music video: Michael Jackson - Heal The World *

Related tags: michael jackson world better living enough people entire little


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Comments (217)
What do you think about this song?

Jacko, GOOD BYE... Aq benar2 kehilangan sosok KING OF POP. Aq yg suka banget dengerin lagunya, sekarang orangnya udah g ada. Hiks hiks...

Ayu (Indonesia 02.07.2009)

Selamat jalan jacko. You are nOt aloNe. Bnyak fansmu yg mErasa kehIlanganMu tpi di hati mereka kamulah yg mEnjadi " KING OF POP "

VeLo (IndoNesia 02.07.2009)

Dengarin lagu ini, merasa jacko masih hidup dan selalu hidup di hati para fans nya. Slamat jalan jacko.

Nadya (Indonesia 02.07.2009)

RIP: MJ (THE KING OF POP) For me, Heal The World is a good song, I like this song because this song describt about human living in the world, I like it very much.. This song is so wonderful! Thank's.. Jesu s Bless Us

Mikhael Adrian (Indonesia 02.07.2009)

Selamat jalan jacko.. You're not alone, byk fans2 mu yg merasa kehilangan mu. Smoga tenang di sana, dan biarlah prestasimu mjd inspirasi bg qta smua di sini.

Fanny (Indonesia 01.07.2009)

Selamat jalan Michael raja pop dunia, moga Tuhan sebagai Raja di atas segala Raja menerimamu di surga... Dan "Heal the world" akan senantiasa menjadi lagu favoritku.

ANDRE (INDONESIA 01.07.2009)

I luv jacko very much, and when i was a child, i can sing this song.. N play a game moon walker in my sega.. Luv u jacko.. Miss u.. U always keep in my heart 4 eva..

Ayumi (Indonesia 30.06.2009)

Michael jackson,,you're the real KING OF POP!. . .we will miss u!we love u!!saya turut berduka cita atas meninggal nya Michael Jackson, Semoga michael jackson diterima di sisi Nya..amien..our love 4 u and 4 me..we love u 4ever !!

Andoendh (Indonesian 30.06.2009)

this is 1 of my favriote sons..MJ moon walk your way to heaven..will miss u..waiting to meet u again in heavenlove u..u will never dieu'll b live in our hearts..u r 4 eva.

CaitanCorreia (India ,Goa 29.06.2009)

This man deserves the attention it deserves on his songs. dances and the good work sincerely, assisted by the children. This is a man of the world rapidly Remember. One of the people who were worthy of honor. The man in the world should be proud of. I love you MJ and click on the breast that you have already decided on and the only memories you live. šis žmogus buvo vertas dėmesio,jis nusipelnė dėmesio savo dainomis. šokiais ir gerais darbais nuoširdžiai padedamas vaikams. Tai žmogus kurio pasaulis greitai nepamirš. Vienas iš žmoniu kuris buvo vertas garbės. Žmogus kuriuo pasaulis turi didžiuotis. Aš tave myliu Mj ir spaudžia krutine kai pagalvoju kad tu jau praeitis ir tik prisiminimais tu gyvas.

Daiva (Lithuanian 27.06.2009)

This is one of the most beatiful song that Michael have. So sensitive. Fabulous.

Trixi (Venezuela 26.06.2009)

Rest in peace, Michael.

Kim (India 26.06.2009)

this song is goodd song..(!) two thumbs up..^^~

octA (indonesia 04.03.2009)

I like A This Song... :-)

TI2N (Indonesia 20.02.2009)

i want heal the world movis

akshay (india 13.02.2009)

really nice

Sha (Sri Lanka 11.11.2008)

this song is out standind this is very very good song about heal the world

shoueb (india 13.08.2008)

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Michael Jackson - Heal The World and all other song lyrics on this site are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational and informational use only. All song texts are personal interpretations of real songs and has no concern to the original texts. All music videos are from Youtube. We don't have any video on our server, this is only an automatic search for videos hosted on Youtube. If you like the song, please buy relative CD.
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