Lyrics results 1 - 6 for omnia
1. Carl Orff - Dies, Nox Et Omnia
Dies, nox et omnia michi sunt contraria; virginum colloquia me fay planszer, oy suvenz suspirer, plu me fay temer. O sodales, ludite, vos qui scitis dicite michi mesto parcite, grand ey dolur, att...
2. Destiny - Tibi - Omnia Quae Sum
Seized by your smile with your voice as beautiful. When you call my name I watch myself dying. So kill me. The beautiful tatste of death lingers upon your lips. I hear you name every single day. Your face in my mind. We're sharing words wit...
3. Carl Orff - Omnia Sol Temperat
Omnia sol temperat purus et subtilis, novo mundo reserat faciem Aprilis, ad amorem properat animus herilis et iocundis imperat deus puerilis. Rerum tanta novitas in solemni vere et veris auct...
4. In Extremo - Omnia Sol Temperat
Omnia sol temperat Purus et subtilis Novo mundo reserat Faciem Aprilis Ad amorem properat Animus herilis Et iocundis imperat Deus puerilis Ama me fideliter Fidem meam nota De corde totaliter Et Ex mente tota
5. Sopor Aeternus - Va(r)nitas, Vanitas... (...omnia Vanitas)
Knochen verbrennen bei 760°C, und damit ist eigentlich auch schon alles gesagt. Komm', laß' uns spielen "König und Königin", dreimal darfst Du raten, wer von beiden ich dann bin! Doch im Grunde ist dies alles einerlei, zu Staub werden wir zerfalle...
6. Layzee Daze - Tempus Omnia Revelat
She said sorry, I told her not to bother I said sorry I knew I couldn't love her again All these worries, it's far too complicated Don't just hurry; I've already waited too long 2 All this time gone, now I find this horror We've both...
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