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Lyrics results 1 - 8 for jackass

1. Bloodhound Gang - Jackass
Jackass. I'm a Pimped out Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan meets Dolomite, Ben Kenobi went and got himself a Pompador, These aren't the whores you're looking for Jackass. If the Crocodile hunter smoked weed, Steve Irwin burning her...

2. Green Day - Jackass
To know you is to hate you So loving you must be like suicide I don't mind if you don't mind I'm not the one that's going to die I guess i just can't listen To this one sided conversation again 'cause I don't care if I don't care ...

3. Ultraspank - Jackass
All grown up made your mother proud hey look at me sitting on my cloud weak frightened little boy meek the source of so much joy think you lie above the rest on your head the golden crest preach a word we can't believe...

4. Coalesce - While The Jackass Operation Spins Its Wheels
My very existance offends you and I love while you are spinning your wheels I move straight ahead ten fold with nothing more than a gut feeling to move. While you're spinning your wheels for a lousy name. I never met anyone who tries ...

5. Belvedere - Class A Jackass
Did you think i'd stand there while you kicked me in the face doesn't make much sense to push me down I need explanation to adjust my way of thought did you think you'd find me hanging round and it's ten years later and I haven't left your side even t...

6. Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Repercussions In The Life Of An Opportunistic, Psuedo Intellectual Jackass
utter abomination. manipulate the circumstance to gain a stranglehold to your pathetic existence. you arent.. take every opportunity to stop you dead in your tracks, crush and smash every purpose you had into the ground. your ...

7. The Vandals - Jackass
You're on tour, I'm alone Wonder just what you did with your phone Try usin' it, I'm losin' it (I) never thought I'd lose you this way Quit the band, Get off stage Come back home, start acting your age Look at me, look at u...

8. Janis Joplin - Class A Jackass
Did you think i'd stand there while you kicked me in the face doesn't make much sense to push me down I need explanation to adjust my way of thought did you think you'd find me hanging round and it's ten years later and I...

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