| 1. Al Sirat - Milczysz |
Czy zniszczonemu nie podaje siê rêki? W nieszczê?ciu nie wo³a o pomoc? Czeka³em na szczê?cie, a przysz³o z³o! Szuka³em ?wiat³a, a nasta³...
| 2. Al Sirat - The Worst Disease |
Walls suddenly appear, when our target is too close..... we lose the ground, when things go too straight on..... How to find the strengh to save...
| 3. Al Sirat - Under The Pressure |
Walls, they push me so strong... The air is getting so heavy... The manic rush takes the control over me, Deadly run to the Sun, it takes me blind......
| 4. Al Sirat - Sentex |
Znów eksplozja w centrum miasta!...co za nudy. Wojsko strzela w w?ciek³y t³um!...zmieniam kana³. Cudza krew, co dzieñ ogl¹dana, nie wzrusza...
| 5. Al Sirat - Future Belongs To Me |
Go on - attack me! Let your anger be your only argument! You cannot hide your fear of me as someone better, then you are, sinking in normality you...
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| 6. Al Sirat - System Of Values |
The morbid laughing is taking me over, I'm madly loosing foam from my mouth My past thirst today my killer is, Today my "Lord" is laughin' at my...
| 7. Al Sirat - 7.5 Liters Of Water |
Fight! You have to prove who is right! No matter how, The true must be on your side! Grab the law in your hands, Make your heart satisfied, Show...
| 8. Al Sirat - Your Own Face |
You know - it's not your inner value, no matter, how far you look, if you speak true, it pays less then false! This is not your education, your...
| 9. Al Sirat - Tryb |
"Kim jeste?? Co robisz? Ile ci p³ac¹? Dla kogo pracujesz? Z kim sypiasz? Co pijesz? Jakim je?dzisz wozem? Czy widzia³e? mój? Mi³o by³o poznaæ,...
| 10. Al Sirat - P³acz! |
Tak zachwyceni sw¹ odrêbno?ci¹, Tak przekonani o w³asnej s³uszno?ci, Tak zach³y?niêci sw¹ doskona³o?ci¹, Tacy dostojni w swej wynios³o?ci,...
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| 11. Al Sirat - Thirst |
Empty mind breaks the silence of my life Heart - it's need for art. Is longing for things I've blowed Things I haven't done! Why?! Forgotten moments,...
| 12. Al Sirat - The Answer |
Sitting alone, waiting for nothing, I'm asking to myself what are my fears? Maybe the one, that I'll find nothing to explain my flight into the...
| 13. Al Sirat - Destroyed Dreams |
You are waking up by hollow scream of you concience, Drown in fight, which you cannot win, Which only purpose is the negation of the sense of...
| 14. Al Sirat - Z³o |
Znów nieprzespana noc... Teraz, kiedy zapad³ zmrok, widzisz jasno, tak jak w dzieñ, co spieprzy³e? znowu, gdzie wybra³e? ?le! Masz okazjê, by...
| 15. Al Sirat - Kala |
...Tyle lat, zaklêty kr¹g... tysi¹c razy pope³ni³em ten sam b³¹d... Wstajê i upadam wci¹¿ tworzê plany, potem je wyrzucam w k¹t... Ten...
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| 16. Al Sirat - Synchronia |
Time to feel, time to fight, time to stand and time to run, to be sad and to have fun time to love, time to hate, time to create and time to waste...
| 17. Al Sirat - Dno |
Wielkie nadzieje pok³adane w tobie z dnia na dzieñ zast¹pi³ kac... Choæ wszystko pod nos ci podstawiano, a co chcia³e?, mia³e?, nie robi¹c...