| 41. Artrosis - Zatruta |
Cienka nicia szyte slowa ust kamiennych oplataja ksztalt Porzucone gesty Najpierw ty potem ja Zmyslów piesnia ogluszony kradniesz cos czego nie...
| 42. Artrosis - Kolej Rzeczy_ |
Przeciwko bratu staje brat , przeciwko Tobie - ja Zaciera sie granica gdzie pieklo? A gdzie raj? W przepowiedni kregu przyszlosc schowana Gapi...
| 43. Artrosis - Nieprawdziwa Historia Cz. I |
Kwiatem twoim i cieniem jestem Rozkwitam i wiêdnê Moich ust czerwieni¹ W³ada b³ogi spokój Srebrna mg³a otacza mnie Jeste? noc¹ a ona...
| 44. Artrosis - Stone Infatuated |
While thinking of her You keep repeating stony words Silence - all around - Doesn't help you forget The blind fate throws what you've got...
| 45. Artrosis - White Page |
Stone of no value Appeared as a diamond Although it's always been unbroken It's gone into a dream long ago And you're white page again You...
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| 46. Artrosis - Dance |
This ruthless dance keeps going on and on Ballet of hearts But only this make sense It feels like dying when you go away The moment you return ...
| 47. Artrosis - My |
Z zapomnianego drzewa nasza mi³o?æ jest owocem S³odk¹ tajemnic¹ jak miód Nieporuszon¹ ska³¹ Ptakiem w locie Milcz¹cym oceanem ...
| 48. Artrosis - In A Daze |
Brother against brother, against you - me The distinction is blurred - between hell and paradise In the circle of prophecy future's hidden It...
| 49. Artrosis - Prosba |
Ko³ysz mnie d?wiêkiem, który koi ból Brzmieniem lekkim, jak ob³ok p³yn¹cy Po niebie w?ród gwiazd jasnych, Co swoim blaskiem ogarn¹...
| 50. Artrosis - Seventh Seal |
Sleeping angels dream their eternal dreams They'll never rise again to save you from the evil Sleeping angels dreaming their dream Spread on your...
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| 51. Artrosis - Two Ways |
Your town is ill You are the only one who lives there It's alive but empty There are white nights and black days Imagination and dreams are...
| 52. Artrosis - Szmaragdowa Noc |
W szmaragdow¹ noc W kryszta³owym zamku Wci¹¿ budzimy siê i zasypiamy Wci¹¿ w ramionach swych Puste oczy pe³ne k³amstw Lecz wci¹¿...
| 53. Artrosis - Zanim Wstanie Swit |
Pozadanie sprawia, ze idziesz za mna Lekkim gestem wolam cie Nim swit wstanie mój bedziesz Tyle o tobie wiem... Zostan ze mna albo snij O...
| 54. Artrosis - Twoja Otchlan |
Skamieniale slowa Wciaz powtarzasz myslac o niej Dookola cisza Nie pomaga ci zapomniec Slepy los rzuca w milosci otchlan to co masz Tracisz...
| 55. Artrosis - Somewhere Between |
Heavenly sound swings my body gently Between waking and sleeping I try to find peace Strength and alleviation, necessary in the struggle, Feed...
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| 56. Artrosis - Nie Ma Nic |
Nadziei brama strzaskana w py³ Znów d³onie splecione w modlitwê, Co pomóc ma W oczach mych woda We w³osach ogieñ ?wiata kres “...
| 57. Artrosis - Nazguls |
Born of pain and raging hatred Created by fire and fear Enchanted riders of cold darkness Nine servants of the ring Their formless bodies ...
| 58. Artrosis - Fetish |
Symbolem twoim nienasycona W odmetach mysli schronienia szukam Jak sniaca o wedrowcu droga Do ciebie wyciagam ramiona Przed toba królu...
| 59. Artrosis - Under Constraint |
I clench my fists instinctively Chilly wind of orders Quells in me zeal I am like a man-machine Ensnared by will-power This is right and this...
| 60. Artrosis - The Poisoned |
Sewn with thin thread words - wind round the shape of stone mouth Abandoned gestures You come first then me Deafened with the song of senses you...
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