Michael Jackson - Heal The World lyrics

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Michael Jackson - Heal The World

Michael Jackson - Heal The World lyrics

Music video: Michael Jackson - Heal The World *

Related tags: michael jackson world better living enough people entire little


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Comments (217)
What do you think about this song?

this song is the best song of mj that i think in this the massege is very beautiful thank u mj for this song R.I.P MICHAEL JACKSON

fan of michael jackson (india 25.11.2009)

I like all Michael Jackson song... but the best is Heal The World.. May Michael peace in the heaven now..

Kalisyia (Malaysia 22.11.2009)

I love you full jacko,, And I hate you malaysia, Jgn coba mengambil yg mnjd hak org lain y,, Terutama KEBUDAYAAN mIlIK INDONESIA

syira (indonesia 19.11.2009)

this is my favorite song Heal the world is inspirations for me

dira (indonesia 19.11.2009)

This is a very touchin song, i really enjoy listerning to it, i think one dsy, we the people who have remaind behind him we are going to heal the world some day. may Micheal jackson rest in eternal peace.

cynthia muyutu (zambia 17.11.2009)

hi how r u all goodbye

hi (tamilnadu 10.11.2009)

hi how r u all

hi (tamilnadu 10.11.2009)

9u a bnER L9u kmANuSian !!

Ayiz (Indonesia 08.11.2009)

I like michael jackson I lke verymuch I love you michael

bebby (bebbyimut_@ymail.com 05.11.2009)

this song is so damn great !!!love n misz my mikhael

ena bb (malaysia 04.11.2009)

michael emang bagus saya suka dengan lagu yang berjudul Give thanks to allah...

iyu (indonesia 29.10.2009)

Saya suka lagunya dech...!

Zam-zam (Zam-zam@yahoo.com 28.10.2009)

This song its very beautiful lyrics. N bsa mengtuk hti qt u/ sllu mntu org lain. N jng ada lgi permusuhan. Peace...~_^

Landa (Indonesia 08.10.2009)

lagu nya bagus banget semoga didunia ini tidak ada permusuhan/teror.amin...

icha (indonesia 25.09.2009)

Lagu ini bagus banget!!! Sangat cocok buat dunia yang sekarang ini.Yang penuh dengan teror. Semoga aja nggak ada permusuhan lagi di bumi.Amin... ALLAHU AKBAR!

aisyah (Indonesia 13.09.2009)

Pokonya michael jacso top bgt deh

ailsa aulia (indonesia 13.09.2009)

Great site. Keep doing.

WRUHCGSBCmXw (OMjJaPuSmtfO 02.09.2009)

Very interesting site. Hope it will always be alive!

YNdjyQhYd (TCSMNeooptMYRy 02.09.2009)

Beautiful site!

jltbUKsI (IhTEoGuh 02.09.2009)

Great site. Good info.

MlUvFYDqOJl (bLcbZIaMPOapjd 02.09.2009)

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Michael Jackson - Heal The World and all other song lyrics on this site are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational and informational use only. All song texts are personal interpretations of real songs and has no concern to the original texts. All music videos are from Youtube. We don't have any video on our server, this is only an automatic search for videos hosted on Youtube. If you like the song, please buy relative CD.
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