amigos siempre confiar juntos aunque pensar
Top lyrics by OV7
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What do you think about this song?
pli PUTER LAGI FILMNYA . aku kangen bnget sama film ini . pli
zeze (banjarmasin 28.05.2010)
Pengen nonton lagi..
Kangen banget ama film ini...
menik (indonesia 19.05.2010)
miss u my film ! tayangi gi don
cece (indonesia 18.05.2010)
I like this song!!
Innez Ramita Octaviranti (Indonesia 16.05.2010)
Jadi kangen serial Amigos lagi deh :( ingat masih kecil. Puterin lagi dong amigosnya, uda denger laguny brkali-kali kok gak muncul jg y di SCTV lgi
Guspita (Indonesia 16.05.2010)
puter lagi dong film amigosnya .. sumpah deh seru banget and bikin kangen . dari aku SD sampe jd mahasiswi sekarang tuh, fil amigos yang paling aku kangenin deh ..
lusy (Indonesia 11.05.2010)
iya puter lagi dunk filmnya amigos,petualangan amigos ma mariana y silvana..
h5h (indonesia 06.05.2010)
puter lagi dnk film nya klo bsa sore jam 4 tn gtu,,,seru bgt film nya..
evan (indonesia 02.05.2010)
pliss puterin lagi Amigosnya. plisss plisss pli
Nadira (Indonesia 02.05.2010)
I think thats song very good . Because that movie ,too.
Icha (Indonesia 01.05.2010)
Putar lg dunk telenovela amigos,,
aku suka bngt,tmen2q jg bnyk yg suka.
Please yach..
Melyatul (Padang 24.04.2010)
ginmana thowh koq coment q g muncul!!!
buruan di puter yawh tapi jamnye yang pas jangan waktu jam belajar sama jha g bisa nonton khan musti belajar jadi klo mau muter cari jam yang tepat yawh.
markonah alay (jakarte 24.04.2010)
tolong ye pilm amigos di puter lage aye suka banget tu ma critanye lagunye sekalian yang fepp nya eres alquien quien confiar, vamos juntos,vamos ya buscando lafelicidad . . . . dst. pokoknye pilmnya keren abislah.
markonah alay (jakarte 24.04.2010)
wah.., diulang dong filmnya,...kangen nieh ama ceritanya..
christien (Indonesia 24.04.2010)
Bsa tyng ulng Amigos lg., gak Kta tman2 aq Crita x sEru.,,
Cimey (Indonesia 21.04.2010)
Aku pengen bgt nonton amigos petualangan ulang.
Yg cerita na tentang mesin waktu..
Tolong siarin ulang ya...
Di tunggu ni..
Rusli eriyandi (Indonesia, jakarta 19.04.2010)
Kya !
Pngen lg nnton amigos, gra tmen mutar lguy ..
Pleasee ,,
tayangin lg ..
Efri (Indonesia 17.04.2010)
Pengen deh nonton film amigos lagi
Sajida (Lombok 11.04.2010)
Amigos when all personnel would come to Indonesia??
I want to meet them, because amigos is my idol since I was in grade school
Mienar (Indonesia Barat(Bogor) 06.04.2010)
SCTV,, when telenovela amigos in the play again? I missed the Renata, et al..
Mienar (Indonesia Barat(Bogor) 06.04.2010)

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Ov7 - Amigos X Siempre and all other song lyrics on this site are property and copyright of their respective owners and
are provided for educational and informational use only. All song texts are personal interpretations of real songs and has no concern to the original texts. All music videos are from Youtube. We don't have any video on our server, this is only an automatic search for videos hosted on Youtube. If you like the song, please buy relative CD., 2007-2008
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