Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country lyrics

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Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country

Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country lyrics

Music video: Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country *

Related tags: avenged sevenfold country starting


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Comments (41)
What do you think about this song?

TOP bangt laguny

wira (BALI 31.03.2009)

Anjing !! GilA lGu 'X A7X Bro !! Kren AbieZzz

Synister gates (M.shadows 22.03.2009)

Anjing !! GilA lGu 'X Bro !! Kren AbieZzz

Synister gates (M.shadows 22.03.2009)

Avenged 7fold TOP BGT dah... Yg g tw brti katro loe

C_le (My house 28.02.2009)

i like your song.. yeah,,not bad to me.. keep rock buddy.

shadows (Long Beach California 10.02.2009)

not bad,, but can you concert again in indonesia?? can? can? if not. . . *** for my self!!

synyster (Long Beach California 10.02.2009)

i laff avenged sevenfold ! kpan2 concert lg dund di indonesia ! please ! aku bela2in buat beli dvd+cd a7x di mna ajah ! harga brapapun ga jdi masalah ! buat zhaky vengeance .. i laff you forever ! sukses album terbaru buat a7x .. ! dengerin yang demons n dancing dead ..

deh_vengeance (LBC ( long beach california ) 10.01.2009)

i love A7x.. lgu nya buat hdup gw lbh smangat

mijhan (indonesia 11.11.2008)

lagu a7x bagus bgtz. kapan a7x ke bandung? ditunggu segera.di SMA 2 Bandung.

DaN`s (Bandung Sob~ 09.11.2008)

Lagu na edan pisan komo deui lagu dear god top abiz.

Ramdani sMp 52 Bdg. (Bandung,Ciumbuleuit 09.11.2008)

gile w suka bgt ma a7X. apalagi dia mo datang lagi ke indonesia jadi gak tahan mo liat

ekacool (bekasi 16.10.2008)

a7x is the best band

n'choo (indonesia 05.10.2008)

Bat country

Bat country (A7X 30.09.2008)

i love you a7x aq suka lagu yang dear good n bat country tapi lagunya lama bgt sukses yah kapan ke indonesia klo bisa ke bandung trus klo persib maen dukung dgn ubah lagu dear good bwat nyemangatin pangeran biruku maju terus a7x n persib

a7x lovers (bandoenk hidup persib 15.09.2008)

a7x,, bante truss.,, pa lgi yang dear god,.. nyentuh banget lgu nyaa... hiks hiks ,jdi sedih.,,

ojaq (medan bung!! 25.08.2008)

keren abigua suka ne lagu...

adam (indonesia 25.07.2008)

a7x lgu'y keren" abiz... aq ska bgd..i love a7x..

dewi.a7x_cinta (subank 12.07.2008)

A7x lagunya keren keren banget!nendang banget!

Aan (Magelang 07.07.2008)

avenged sevenfold lagunya keren-keren!!! terutama buad lagu dear god ma bat country... bgz bgd..

nita (surabaya, Indonesia 04.07.2008)

aq ska bngt ma avenged sevenfold i love u all bwt pra personilnya ha...ha... a7x

winda (indonesia 22.06.2008)

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Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country and all other song lyrics on this site are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational and informational use only. All song texts are personal interpretations of real songs and has no concern to the original texts. All music videos are from Youtube. We don't have any video on our server, this is only an automatic search for videos hosted on Youtube. If you like the song, please buy relative CD.
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