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Lyrics results 41 - 48 for presence

41. Umbral Presence - Invokation To Baphomet
"The depths of the sea, a tunnel of knives There's a union here while he directs The chosen rage in the eye of the goat The golden triangle stands against the sky of fire" "Come as a reaper for thus you will sow" No lambs shall...

42. Deviated Presence - Failures
Failures arrival at the wrong place, incidental manipulations, reasonless undeliberate deeds, torn connections, unused opportunities. the ways can't be ungone, me following the plan. decisions can't be undone turn-offs,...

43. Deviated Presence - The Mist
In the mist there is a light, illuminates the water in the darkness. Invisible all disaster, invisible me. I know I'm walking but not where. Not towards the light. Not to the stars that distort the ways. The water embraces me, urges me forwar...

44. By The Tree - Your Presence
It's funny how You'll say my name Like a thought in motion love is not a game that can be played It's crazy how you read my mind Like a twisted thought of reasoning, Your words are so divine Chorus: I want to be in Your prescen...

45. Deviated Presence - Chaos
Chaos My chaos is the battlefield of mental war. the enemies: myself and everyone else. I feel drawn out, them to slaughter. disdain, the urge for undermination, unseen i proceed. the farther i get the more i'm drained. every vic...

46. Umbral Presence - Noctulius
"Autumn A marriage beneath the earth In Elixir She washes Her hands A Black Eagle, a Palace of Light She becomes a snake Who offers the sword To severe the arm" ...

47. Umbral Presence - Atazoth
Hafvde Kierlighed lenkelagt Dend utemmede Mackt? Han glemmer det han legger dod Ingen Minder stiiger fra Graven brat Ingen Anger gliider giennem Sielens Nat Med Ydmyghedens Taarer smigrede hun Dend Guddom som hun...

48. Bloodgood - The Presence
I can't say what happened for sure All I know is that I don't have that fear anymore Something big has taken hold And now my life is not my own anymore I the presence, anymore, in the presence The power came over me An...

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