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Lyrics results 71 - 80 of 150 for delta

71. Delta Goodrem - In My Own Time
So much is happening to me. So much that I can't even see. So many words of wisdom that I am trying to be. Catch me if I should fall. And even more so while I'm standing tall. My head is spinning around and it's making me diz...

72. Mekong Delta - Age Of Agony
The pale sun spits a slow death down to his blinded mankind while the wooden horse of science elevates a grey hell to the sky so the little superbrains declare madness for sense and fear, the mother of all social viole...

73. Mekong Delta - Without Honour
Marching through the jungle Small change to survive Shrapnell fire's pounding Men must leave their lifes Corpses fill the graves They are defaced, they are bloated Mutilated limbs And no one knows from whom they are
74. Delta V - Quello Che Resta
Quando senti dire che io non so più vivere che non so più perdere che ora penso solo a me fai così non crederci Forse ho perso la mia idea presa e poi buttata via Non ho vinto ma non so come fare a dirmelo Come stai? Che ...

75. Delta V - Numeri In Mia Vita
Zero è un sole stanco, addormentato sopra questo mondo. Uno è un nodo al collo, un passo indietro, quello che non so. Due sono gli anelli per legare uno ad uno i fili, cinque le mie dita per aprire porte chiuse ora o mai. Conto fino a tr...

76. Delta V - Marta Ha Fatto Un Sogno
Marta ha fatto un sogno Si trovava proprio in mezzo al mare E la luce dei pianeti la poteva illuminare Con un grande salto poi si è messa a cavalcare il vento E la scia di mille stelle l'ha guidata fino al tempo Lei è così pronta per...

77. Delta Goodrem - Fly By Frankie!!!
fly by frankie thinks he's superman like a child at the wheel of a rocket he comes round here with a license to lurve and i don't know where he got it I trusted u, offered everything but i'm not sure you deserve it. b...

78. Delta Goodrem - What Is Love
Intro: Love what is it love what is it love what is love Verse 1: loving somebody loving someone you care for love is it true family do you believe do you believe in love do you believe love ...

79. Chicago - Mississippi Delta City Blues
I've got a smile That I put on When I'm not at home When I'm not alone But it is so hard To make that smile 'Cause I know I'll be at home And alone in a while And if I look in a mirror I see my eyes start to tea...

80. Delta V - Pull Me Under
Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone Judge not unless you wish to be judged Someone holds me wants to pull me under in a maze You never know what I did or what I do or what I done Come close you gotta see what I can be you ...

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