| 1. Mediaeval Baebes - Musa Venit Carmine |
Musa venit carmine dulci modulamine: pariter cantemus, ecce virent omnia, prata, rus et nemus. Mane garrit alaudula, lupilulat cornicula, iubente...
| 2. Mediaeval Baebes - Temptasyon |
Agan Tas-ny, us yn nef, Benygys re bo dha Hanow, Redheffo dha wlascor, Dha voth re bo gwres, y'n nor kepar hag y'n nef. Ro dhyn-ny hedhyuUs ow camwul...
| 3. Mediaeval Baebes - Ecce Mundi Gaudium (latin) |
Ecce Mundi Gaudium Ecce Salus Gentium Virgo Parit Filium Sine Violentia Ave Virgo Regia Dei Plena Gracia Natus est de Virgine Sine...
| 4. Mediaeval Baebes - Gaudete |
Gaudete! gaudete! Christus est natus ex Maria Virgine: Gaudete! Tempus adest gratiae, Hoc quod optabamus; Carmina laeticiae Devote redamus. ...
| 5. Mediaeval Baebes - Averil (undrentide) |
Lyrics (13th century English) Translation When the nightegale singes, When the nightingale sings, The wodes waxen grene: And the woods wax...
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| 6. Mediaeval Baebes - Alba |
Reis Glorios, erais lums e clartatz. Deus poderos, sehner si a bos platz, Al meu companh siatz fixels aju da, Qu'eu non lo vi, pois la noitz fon...
| 7. Mediaeval Baebes - The Lament |
O thou pale orb that silent shines While care-untroubled mortals sleep! Thou seest a wretch who inly pines. And wanders here to wail and weep! With...
| 8. Mediaeval Baebes - Isabella (undrentide) |
Lyrics (Modern Italian) Translation Io Isabella danzando ne prati I Isabella dancing Verdi della primavera on the spring meadows Girando e...
| 9. Mediaeval Baebes - Ah Si Mon Moine |
Ah! Si mon moine voulait danser! Ah! Si mon moine voulait danser! Un capuchon je lui donnerais Un capuchon je lui donnerais Refrain Danse, mon moine...
| 10. Mediaeval Baebes - Kilmeny |
Kilmeny, Kilmeny, where have you been? Lang hae we sought baith holt and dean; By burn, by ford, by greenwood tree, Yet you are halesome and fair to...
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| 11. Mediaeval Baebes - San'c Fuy Belha Ni Prezada |
San'c fuy belha ni prezada Ar sui d'aut en bas tornada Qu'a un vilan sui donanad Tot per sa gran manentia E murria, S'ieu fin amic non avia Cuy...
| 12. Mediaeval Baebes - Come My Sweet |
Come my swete, come my flour Come my culver, myn owne bour Come my moder, now with me For hevyn quene I make thee My swete sone withal my love I...
| 13. Mediaeval Baebes - Swete Sone |
Swete sone, reu on me And breste out of thy bondes For me thinket that I see Thoru Bothen thin bondes Nailes driven into the tree So reufuliche thu...
| 14. Mediaeval Baebes - Love Me Broughte (olde And Modern Translation) |
Love me broughte and love me wroughte, man, to be thy fere love me fedde and love me ledde and love me lette here. Love me slou and love...
| 15. Mediaeval Baebes - Return Of The Birds |
Laetabundus rediit avium concentus, ver iocundum prodiit, gaudeat iuventus, nova ferens gaudia; modo vernant omnia, Phoebus serenatur, redolens...
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| 16. Mediaeval Baebes - Quan Vey La Lauzeta (undrentide) |
Lyrics (Medieval French (Provençal)) Translation Quan vey la lauzeta mover When I see the lark beating De joy sas alas contral rai, Its...
| 17. Mediaeval Baebes - Trovommi Amor |
Era il giorno ch'al sol si scolararo per la pieta del suo fattore i rai quando i' fui preso, et non me ne guardai, che i be' vostr'occhi, Donna mi...
| 18. Mediaeval Baebes - E Volentieri (undrentide) |
Lyrics (14th century Italian) Translation Io mi son giovinetta e volentieri I am a young maiden, and I willingly M'allegro e canto en la...
| 19. Mediaeval Baebes - The World Fareth As A Fantasy |
The sunnes cours, we may well kenne, Ariseth est and goth down west: The rivers into the see they renne And it is never the more almest; Windes...
| 20. Mediaeval Baebes - All For Love Of One |
I must go walk the wood so wild And wander here and there In dred and deadly fere For where I trusted I am begeld And all for love of one Thus am I...
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