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Lyrics results 71 - 80 of 150 for terror

71. Krisiun - Meaning Of Terror
From the darkness I arise and order You to hear me Follow my command and find your destiny Your agony is my uncare your sorrow my peace Make me your master and purify your soul I'll make you die a thousand times So you suf...

72. Terrorgruppe - Hello Neighbor
Hello Neighbor. last night I was really drunk and loud This hangover, what a torture there is awful noises in my head. Hello Neighbor. these motherfuckers pissed & puked on your stairs and I can tell you, that they stole your c...

73. Unseen Terror - Divisions
So selfish is the human race that barries are caused - in life. prejudice breeds frequently, blind ingorance and thoughts of hate - but why? People should stop and think about the feelings of others, there is no secon...

74. Terror Squad - Lean Back (remix)
(feat. Fat Joe, Eminem, Lil Jon, Ma$e) [Lil Jon] Stop! It's the mother fucking remix [Mase] Uh yea Harlem in tact Who in the world wanna problem with that? For real I heard Harlem is back Who in the world wanna proble...

75. Terrorvision - Easy
living out three separate lives with nothing else to do besides it's easy they'd wrote bradford off the map then all that old commercial crap it's easy hassle bound not me i'm happy and it's easy and it's free they'd nothi...

76. Terrorgruppe - Weltuntergang
Lang, lang ist es her da kam ein Affe aus dem Meer dem fieln so langsam die Haare aus und langsam wurd ein Mensch daraus Die Saurier wurden krank und aus dem Affen wurd ein Punk, schon interessant wie das geschah, doch bald mein Kind i...

77. Holy Terror - Black Plague
Almost the season a time of prophecy for those who know almost the reason why the voices of the dead come known a gnawing in torment divided by the polarizing line Prey to the masses hunted in numbers tortured death divine And whe...

78. Terrorvision - Dog Chewed The Handle
it was the seventh of december in the middle of the night the street was deserted except for smoke and moonlight the front of the papers read the latest scandal the people versus when the dog chewed the handle it's a strange kind of s...

79. Aborym - Me(n)tal Striken Terror Action
The program is always on the fucking screen Robot pilots destroy the buildings Burning bodies jump out the windows The suicidal terrorist is the new idol Mental Terror Action Is the new infection Mental Terror Action C...

80. Unseen Terror - Human Error
Mass malfunction, huge consumption, toxic waste, polluting death. Realization that civilisation could be destroyed in one foul breath. Death's constuctions, chemical destruction, widespread panic, unseen force. Futile excuses, human mi...

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