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Lyrics results 1 - 5 for strife

1. Nasum - Strife
Don't you change a fucking thing These are hostile waters, unbroken lands Shocking truths uncovered within All your propheths are soon to be dead Blood for blood - it ain't always as it seems In your picture perfect society Exist...

2. Jessica Harp - Love Kissed By Strife
It must have been years ago When I first began to love you so And as the years and memories go By my feelings never die So don't think it's wrong of me To be sad that you're not free And I can only make one final plea T...

3. Cephalectomy - The Ghosts Of Reprisal And Strife
(To Arrogance comes Inception) I hath fathered deceit..... Of council to Lucifer, Belial spoke of treachery among the Zonei. To render wretched dogs from whence they came.. I hath fathered hypocrisy.. I feel their ...

4. Diamond - Pains And Strife
featuring Pete Rock Phife Dawg [Phife] Now in this hip hop world I happen to live in heads be bitching It's a wonder that when the punks walk they don't be switching Someone always got something to say and I be itching
5. Faerghail - Strife For Blood
Through the land we rage like thunder With swords of steel we come we conquer Caring not shall we rise or fall Pure in hearts as we follow his call Our fate... The kingdom by the wolfen gate Strife for blood... Awaiting...

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