Lyrics results 81 - 90 of 150 for soundtrack
81. Soundtrack - Grey's Anatomy 2 (2006) - Sexy Mistake
Artist: The Chalets Lyrics Song: Sexy Mistake Lyrics If you kiss me I will do nothing You can do what you like to please me I have a choice so I threw you away You stood there are asked me to stay What's a girl to do? What's a...
82. Soundtrack Of Our Lives - Endless Song
take a trip in an endless song speak the color and it won't take long diver down to a deeper sound yeah, take a trip to where you once belonged to stay in tune is to stay in time and pretty soon you will be mine and everything wi...
83. Movies Soundtracks - Can't You Hear Me Knocking
The Rolling Stones (M. Jagger/K. Richards) Yeah, you got satin shoes Yeah, you got plastic boots Y'all got cocaine eyes Yeah, you got speed-freak jive Can't you hear me knockin' on your window Can't you...
84. Soundtrack - Van Morrison At The (2007) - Queen Of The Slipstream
You're the Queen of the slipstream With eyes that shine You have crossed many waters to be here You have drank of the fountain of innocence And experienced the long cold wintry years. There's a dream where the contents are visible
85. Movies Soundtracks - Across The Universe
(Lennon/McCartney) Words are flying out like endless rain into a paper cup They slither while they pass They slip away across the universe Pools of sorrow waves of joy Are drifting thorough my open mind Possessing...
86. Soundtrack - Stomp The Yard Soundtrack (2007) - Ain't Nothing Wrong With That
Whether it's rock and roll or old soul (It don't matter) Disco, Calipso (It don't matter) Suit and tie or tie-dye (It don't matter) Snakeskins or Timberlands (It don't matter) Tight fade or long braid (It don't matter) Red head or brune...
87. Soundtrack Of Our Lives - Confrontation Camp
i'm on a train to a confrontation camp i'm on a train to a confrontation camp a paranoia strikes my brain when too many people call my name i'm on a train to a confrontation camp i'm on a train to a confrontation camp i'm on a train<...
88. Soundtrack - L-word: L-tunes - Living Proof
[VERSE 1:] When I was young, I had no one I walked alone, I never thought I'd find someone who I could come home to Until there was you, until there was you You lift me up into the sky Won't let me fall, just push me up higher & ...
89. Soundtrack - The U.s. Vs. John Lennon (2006) - Nobody Told Me
Everybody's talking and no one says a word Everybody's making love and no one really cares There's Nazis in the bathroom just below the stairs Always something happening and nothing going on There's always something cooking and nothing in ...
90. Soundtrack - Lucky You (2007) - Lucky Town
House got too crowded clothes got too tight And I don't know just where I'm going tonight Out where the sky's been cleared by a good hard rain There's somebody callin' my secret name I'm going down to Lucky Town Going down to Lucky ...
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