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Lyrics results 31 - 40 of 64 for psalm

31. Dia Psalma - Bara Ord
Vi är också här, vi liknar dig tror att allt ordnar sig jorden där vi bor exploderar snart men då blir allt underbart för alla som tror, dom lever en gång till tvåtusen år till, det nya paradisets barn som äter ä...

32. Ajalon - Psalm 61
Hear my cry oh God attend to my prayer. from the ends of the Earth I cry unto You When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the Rock that is higher than I, that is higher than I. For You oh Lord are a shelter unto me And a ...

33. Cool Breeze - Decatur Psalm
Verse one: cool breeze I call da crib they say "breeze you ain't know? " I say "what? " "big time got popped in his benzo!" I said "damn man, I'm riding in his lexus I'm bout to dump this nigga's shit in new dimensions Get to the cr...

34. Dia Psalma - Illusioner
Han är fånge på livstid i ett fängelse kallat fabrik han har inga vänner, pratar bara med sin maskin ingen frågar någonsin om hur han mår bara skrattar bakom ryggen och går ILLUSIONER OCH DRÖMMAR OCH TANKAR DET ...

35. Rebecca St. James - Psalm 139
you've searched me you know me you seen my every move theres nothing i could ever do to hide myself from you you know my thoughts my fears and hurts my weaknesses and prides you know what i am going though ...

36. Mercyme - (psalm 139) You Are There
You have searched me and you know me You're familiar with all my ways You have placed your hand upon me With such a knowledge I can't attain Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? I...

37. Ad Hominem - The Psalmody Of Sub-humans
Execution is the matrix of epuration Kneeled and blindfolded Your life of primate is drawing to an end Think of everything you've seen during one second The last thing that'll come into your head is a bullet This psalmody is yours...

38. Chumbawamba - An Psalm
Chapt nine, Armagodman The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness. For his name's sake, yea, though...

39. Dia Psalma - En Kungens Man
Maria går på vägen som leder ner till byn Hon sjunger och hon skrattar åt lärkorna i skyn Hon är på väg till torget för att sälja lite bröd Och solen stiger varm och stor och färgar himlen röd Då möter hon en h...

40. Christian Death - Psalm (maggot's Lair)
After murder, we encounter the great mystery That which surpasses the human experience, the human disease Directly before, a moment or two after and essentially during murder - great mysteries revealed Animal intro...

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