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Lyrics results 51 - 60 of 150 for planet

51. Phantom Planet - One Ray Of Sunlight
Goodness sometimes things get bad But I swear I'm doing all I can So try all you want to I'm gonna try too If I get one ray of sunlight to hold in my hand Maybe we can be happy again I'll try for one ray of sunli...

52. Planet Funk - Come Alive
Yeah Come on inside the sound I'm steppin outside myself Croaking on the underground But ever high There you go passin me by Like someone dropped you from the clouds Spinnin round and round Was it gonna fly? You'll n...

53. Daily Planet - Flying Blind
I'm just fine, but in time, this sunshine will surely fade into the moonlight I'll adapt without a map, feeling trapped, only seeing what my headlights But if I share this skin I'm living in and know I can't go alone And I say... <...

54. Phantom Planet - Asteroid G
Just when I needed some time to myself When I am bothered by nobody else Sometimes I ponder over what might go wrong I don't want to wander from where I now belong Catch the comet and speed off Catch the comet and speed off to...

55. Phantom Planet - Shadows
Hell, haven't you thought you were coming Madness left to discover It's so bad Cos we're all gone way from home Chorus: When the lights go out Our shadows sing in silence Don't don't close your eyes for an instant
56. Ayreon - Back On The Planet Earth
I overheard the elders telling each Other stories about the days when They were young back on planet earth I wish to learn the secrets of those Who lived before me so I program my Computer for a flight to planet earth Blue skies o...

57. Daily Planet - Six String Rocketeer
Caught in the crossfire while the battle raged down the hall There were no bad guys, just a couple of consenting adults I just had to get away, but I had no car to drive So my body stayed inside my room As I slipped into my mind
58. Daily Planet - 3000 Miles Away
3000 Miles Away by Jesse Butterworth and Chad Reisser New Orleans could not find the groove In Nashville the grass did not seem blue And Denver did not seem more than three feet high The Empire did not scrape the sky
59. Animal Planet - Best Of Intentions
I had the best of intentions When I got out of bed today I set out to make things right Make some of the pain go away World peace seemed so out of reach So I touched the people I knew May not have stopped any wars But I...

60. Guided By Voices - Planet's Own Brand
eveything is insane the prices never change the aisle of truth is zero and cold the aisle of truth is zero and cold come to planet follow the search come to me especially drive me to drink a car some...

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