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Lyrics results 61 - 70 of 150 for olivia

61. Olivia Newton John - What Child Is This
(Traditional) What child is this, who laid to rest On Mary's lap, is sleeping Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, While shepherds watch are keeping? This, this is Christ the King, Whom shepherds guard and angels...

62. Olivia Newton John - Brotherly Love
(John Farrar) Trying to win your confidence just wears me down Trying to win your love will wear me out You've been loved by many girls but left by only one It made you doubt; it made you doubt There are those of us who t...

63. Olivia Ruiz - La Petite Valse De Narbonne Plage
Le ciel ?ate ce matin Je n'ai plus besoin de rien Songeuse la falaise Coule sur le pin parasol Et me berce ?on aise Sans le moindre b?l Qu'il est bon de souffler un instant De voler la robe l?re du vent Qu'il est bon d'?ute...

64. Olivia Newton John - Richard's Window(a Window To The Sky)
(C. Fox/N. Gimble) Clouds strung like beads in a gray silent sky And I watch them and simplify my mind One thing is clear, I know I begin from here The passing time, it changes dreams and sweeps illusions from your eyes <...

65. Olivia Ruiz - Non-dits
Non dit non mais non mais dit donc, dit moi le donc, ce non-dit l?br>Ce nom d'ici dit le moi donc Non dit non mais non mais dit donc, N'attendons pas d'?e plus l?br>pour me racconter tout cela. Depuis jamais qu'on se le dit, les...

66. Olivia Ruiz - Thérapie De Groupe
Maman est d?essive Papa manque de confiance Et moi je suis lascive Devant toutes nos errances Et si on essayait un peu De voir notre petit monde d'en haut Au liue de laisser choir nos id?x Mamie semble pensive Elle voit...

67. Olivia Newton John - Moth To A Flame
Here again, drawn like a moth to a flame An invisible force pulling me close to you I can't break free, there's some kind of hold over me Like a magnet, you attract me like steel I'm a kamikaze pilot, it's a one way flight Get...

68. Olivia Newton John - Jenny Rebecca
(Carol Hall) Jenny Rebecca, four days old How do you like the world so far Jenny Rebecca, four days old What a lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky girl you are For you have swings to be swung on Trees to be climbed up

69. Olivia Newton John - Sunburned Country
I carry her with me I carry her pride Whenever I speak her name My soul it comes alive She taught me to be strong She taught me to fight And I am who I am today Because she raised me right Chorus: In a sun...

70. Olivia Newton John - Twist Of Fate
Do we deserve a second chance How did we fall into this circumstance We weren't so straight and narrow This is much more than we deserve A higher voice has called the tune Two hearts that lost the beat will now resume The ...

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