Lyrics results 1 - 10 of 47 for obscur
1. Hortus Animae - A Lifetime Obscurity
Follow the path towards the solitude, thou shall feel cursed if betrayed. But when I betray call the Martyr to weep, to bury the scars thru never ending seasons of grief, then I'll follow the black path towards horizon dark and I'll reach only sad...
2. Dargaard - Caverna Obscura
Silva vetus stabat nulla violata Securi et specus in media virgis Ac vimine densus Effigiens humilem lapidum Compagibus arcum uberibus Fecundus aquis, ubi conditus Antro martius anguis erat Cristis praesiginis et auro<...
3. Limbonic Art - Behind The Mask Obscure
In a timeless departure From the flesh Drifting the cold ether streams of death By the altar of sacrifice as I call upon the night To take and give me life Beyond the shores of life I glorify the hour of blackness ...
4. Obscurcis Romancia - Funeste Romance
Aux portes de ce cimetiere morbide J'ai franchi les hautes grilles de la passion. Errant chaque nuit sur le chemin de mon espérance, Je ne cherche qu'a combler mon esprit incompris. Puisse-t-elle une nuit me donner son affection Afin d...
5. Ancient Rites - Obscurity Reigns (fields Of Flanders)
Blasphemous rites Churches in flames Satanic oath Blasphemous rites Churches in flames Obscurity reigns Feast on meat Drenched in blood Denial of Christ Loyal towards each other Together in DEATH Dwelli...
6. Confessions Of Obscurity - The Spree Killer
I am the master I am the almighty Creep into your worst nightmare Suffer my diabolic shadow Just for the fun i decide... Who may live and who must die I don't care who, how and when... ...
7. Confessions Of Obscurity - Childbutchering
Highly pregnant she walks into the supermarket In the toilet she delivers her baby The new liveform - she puts in a bag And smashes it against the wall Bones are broken - bodyparts separated Blood and slime flow together<...
8. Obscurcis Romancia - La Mer Des Incompris
J'entends la lointaine vocifération de mon âme châtiée. Le visage serein, elle m'oppresse de ses supplices. J'implore sa concupiscence, je hurle ma doléance. Le sombre rituel se perpétue, me guidant vers le trépas. Languissant d...
9. Confessions Of Obscurity - Dance Macabre
Eyes staring into the night Decaying faces, rotting flesh Putrified entrails, mutilated cadavers Rotting organs, disgusting sickness Around the altar, the macabre is dancing Innocent victims will meet the face of death
10. Confessions Of Obscurity - A Serial Killer Memoire
I took the 4 year old boy by the arm Told him we would play nice games at my place Once the door was closed his nightmare started I took a knife and planted it in his leg With another knife I made small wounds in his face I dra...
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