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Lyrics results 1 - 4 for nomads

1. Mortal Treason - Khampa Nomads
Rocks thud against battered bodies. One must die to see life. Take me. Strike me down. Let me bleed. Let them see. Rejoicing in what's happened to me. Let my screams attract you all. My call is your great fall. One must sacrifice his lif...

2. Morgion - Nomads Of The Dawn
confiscating memories i grasp beyond the frozen years of denial seeing through the foretelling eye to sanctify what is not real blinded by false illusions subjects my self to fear enduring the painful thoughts lasting ...

3. Omen - Nomads
Life it's not just who it's what to be Just like the friends to me They always seem to put you down So listen not to them And like your neighbor who's got it made Don't put no hold on you! Just listen once and then you'll ...

4. Atrox - Mental Nomads
I am the constant comings and goings of my selves. Some of them settling within, some going on. Others sojourning indefinitely, tuning in, tuning out. New attendants join - cynicism, misanthropy, indifference. Should I embrace them or ha...

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