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Lyrics results 1 - 10 of 29 for magellan

1. Magellan - Friends Of America
Friends of America Where are you now? Get up and do something for America, stand up now. Fly the flag Put your hand on your heart You can be assured That you've done your part Watch the nation bleed Fro...

2. Magellan - Impact 1 - Fate Speaks
Bret Douglas - Lead vocals Trent Gardner - Harmonies When every word has been written When every line has been read When every person cries for justice And every partner drops dead When every loss has been s...

3. Magellan - Waterfront Weirdos
We are the misfits with a broken horizon Like Keats or Hemingway, survive with poets defiance Christmas at the Martinique grieving for a home Three generations tough it out on the big street all alone... Rank of the privileged ...

4. Magellan - Estadium Nacional
"These are my last words, their treasonous hands have us all under siege, now do you understand?" Gossens ministers - all at hand will take up final stations as the coup hunts a single man No offer of exile did he take in...

5. Magellan - A Social Marginal
Remember me when I met you back in Chicago? Filthy bum (twenty plus some) with an old platitude "Mending fences or mending souls" That was all you had to say But fate was fair my friend Now it's your turn to walk in my pl...

6. Magellan - Turning Point
We must search together or united we'll fall Standing at the crossroad - just the two of us. Will you travel with me? I'll take the surest path In this Hour of Restoration... ...

7. Magellan - Another Burning
Back in '61 to '65, their indifferences, Could never hide the buried hopes Of peace/that rest beneath them wearing Grey or blue. Did the burning of white mansions still The fire inside their hearts to kill Each other...

8. Magellan - Gameface
There comes a moment in time before ascent or decline You'll face your darkest hours When other see in your face the test of wills you've embraced You are your own opponent Keeping your focus in the rat race

9. Magellan - Impact 3 - No Returning
James LaBrie - Lead vocals Trent Gardner - Harmonies (Gardner solo) (Bemesderfer solo) Just call me Mr. Dark - Mr. Negative I'm pessimistic, fatalistic, with an attitude That's turned ballistic No rhyme...

10. Magellan - Breaking These Circles
When your mind stays awake and your body cries for sleep Disillusioned from the pain you're in way too deep. As the chains bind your soul and the sweat takes its toll Don't submit to addiction - can't escape the whole world. Y...

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