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Lyrics results 81 - 90 of 150 for lonesome

81. Dixie Chicks - That Lonesome Road
Walk down that lonesome road all by yourself Don't turn your head back over your shoulder And only stop to rest yourself when the silver moon Is shining high above the trees If I had stopped to listen once or twice If I h...

82. George Jones - Blue Side Of Lonesome
I'm calling to tell you it's over yes darling you're now free to go You're saying you're sorry you hurt me but you can hurt me no more I know You're asking me where this call comes from oh I hope that you won't interfere If your new r...

83. Beck - I Get Lonesome
well there ain't nobody left to impress and everyone's kissing their own hands this 666 on the kitchen floor ain't no fire in the pan I get lonesome... so glad to be a slab stiff as a stick on a board I get though...

84. Harlan Howard - I Hope You're Lonesome
I hope you're lonesome I hope you're sad I hope you're haunted by the good times we had I hope you're learnin' just watch you threw away For if you're lonesome you might come back some day I hope that you can't sleep I hope you le...

85. Sheryl Crow - Long Gone, Lonesome Blues
I went down to the river to watch the fish swim by; When I got down to the river so lonesome I wanted to die..., Oh Lord! But then I jumped in the river, but the doggone river was dry. And now he's long gone, and now I'm lonesome blue. ...

86. Jimmie Dale Gilmore - I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
Hear that lonesome whippoorwill He sounds too blue to fly The midnight train is whining low I'm so lonesome I could cry Did you ever see a night so long When time goes crawling by The moon just went behind a cloud To hi...

87. Jim Reeves - Blue Side Of Lonesome
I'm calling to tell you it's over yes darling you're now free to go You're saying you're sorry you hurt me but you hurt me much more than you know You're asking me where this call comes from oh I hope that you won't end up here In you...

88. Johnny Tillotson - I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry (orig. Hank Williams)
Hear that lonesome whippoorwill He sounds too blue to fly The midnight train is whining low I'm so lonesome I could cry I've never seen a night so long When time goes crawling by The moon just went behind the clouds
89. Pela - Lost To The Lonesome
[sound of heart beating] Yo man Yo man, what's up? What's your worst nightmare? Is this it? [steps are heard] - Yo hus, I like the 8Ball jacket - Yeah yo, it's dope, give it up, sucker - Nah man... nah man [brawl ensues shots are fired body drops hear...

90. Butthole Surfers - Lonesome Bulldog
Julio Iglesias Jacked off in outer-spacias Did 69 with the pope in the butthole Rammed that sucker head down that throat now Julio he had a mole Went to the doctor with a fiery pole Saw the nurse what did he see Loved ...

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