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Lyrics results 11 - 20 of 86 for leaves

11. Children - Autumn Leaves
Scamper, little leaves, about, In the warm September sun; I can hear the old wind shout, Laughing, laughing, as you run. By and by to rest you'll go, Weary of your lively play; Still the same old wind will blow, L...

12. Lilitu - Autumn Leaves
Autumn leaves me with your presence Your pale and graven resemblance And all the steps that I've followed Still I'm left to carry the load A bitter dream that I've left behind In the still, stillness of water From the...

13. Leaves' Eyes - Temptation
In my head I hear your voice Is this the voice of my master In my chest I sense a spear Are these the looks of my mistress In my head I hear your voice Why do I suffer In my chest I sense a spear Why cant I ...

14. Erasure - When A Lover Leaves You
What a situation Senses gone and left me Lies are like confetti on the floor Words are leading nowhere Delicate and tender Tender hooks that drive me to despair Storms are blowing Winds are calling to me Be my escap...

15. Eisley - Queen Of Leaves
Queen Of Leaves It happened one night beneath the moon. When the leaves floated down from the trees. And the next thing i knew, i was up right beside you, with my soft green face smiling beside you. . Chorus And we dan...

16. David Ryan Harris - Me And The Leaves
Fall little angel. You have lost your wings. Trade in your halo For a soft show. Down little angel. Who has cut your strings? Fear the light of the sun. Didn't they warn you? Chorus: What held me, now floats above...

17. Earthtone9 - House Of Leaves
some will never fade indelible mark is made those who wield the brightest flame bring change some marks are lighter some courses are longer some marks are lighter some courses are longer everyone will change

18. Lush - Leaves Me Cold
(Berenyi) Dreams deep heat teasing my mind Sleep peels sweet stealing my sighs She breathes deep when he's inside Dreams deep heat poisons my mind Inside me there's a separate world It's winning and I'm losing co...

19. Annie Haslam - Raindrops And Leaves
Sung to sleep by a distant lullaby filtered through raindrops and leaves. Suddenly he's aware, this is no dream is this real what's happening for some nights now I thought he lived in my dreams but I hear him somewhere outsid...

20. Colorful Leaves - Turn My Night Into Day
(R.Mayer, Y. Özyürek, A. Pichler, K. Wittmann, C. Egglestone) When the night is coming people meet in the bar they are chatting and drinking and they feel like stars When I look at the lady with the beautiful eyes I ...

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