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Lyrics results 81 - 90 of 150 for happy

81. Happy Hardcore - 99 Red Balloons
You and I in a little toy shop, Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got, Set them free at the break of dawn, one by one they have gone, Back at base, back to the subway, Flash the message someones out there, Floatin' in the S...

82. Pj Harvey - Happy And Bleeding
she burst dropped off picked the fruit and realize i'm naked too so cover my body dress it fine hide my linen and lace been sewing ever since time began but more than the hills more than the trees more than the mountains-you more than i can see i...

83. O.l.d. - Happy Tantrum
happy day again today i died with you again today the sun will burn again today you and i will drown my friend today is here again today and you will kill me again today i will kill you again today is here again today happy d...

84. The Temptations - Happy Landing
Hello, young lovers whoever you are. I hope your troubles are few. All my good wishes go with you tonight. I've been in love like you. Be brave. (Be brave) Young lovers, why don't you come home, Follow your sorrow. (Oh, yea...

85. Happysad - Noc
Noc jak każda inna noc, jak każda inna noc Przychodzisz do mnie I siadasz pod oknem Oddychasz spokojnie I zdejmujesz spodnie Noc jak każda inna noc, jak każda inna noc Podnosisz rękę Palcem dłubiesz sobie w oku M...

86. Rhodes Happy - Ill Let You Go
You'll never win, I won't break down Because I have the strength of a million souls Though you will try, I won't despair Because I've lived the life of a million lives Always known just where I was going To have peace with me<...

87. Happy Hardcore - Colors In My Mind
You push me high through the colors in my mind just to see what I could see I open my eyes to find emotions from the past still trapped inside of me You called my name, I heard your cry Shine through this col...

88. Blackstreet - Happy Song (tonite)
[1] - Tonight Gotta take these records off the shelf Play something special for yourself It's over now Gotta leave your troubles far behind Or just enough to ease your mind Cuz only time can decide Baby, you'll be alright this t...

89. Rhodes Happy - For We Believe
So many powerful beings So many in tune with life Imagination abounds here There's wisdom And great insight My ears are lucky to hear These glorious songs Of inspiration And voices crafted from Thunder The ...

90. Krusade - So Happy
I'm so happy I'm so full of joy I'm so glad that Jesus is alive, yeah He lives in me He lives through me He's the One that can really really move me I KNOW THAT HE WILL REIGN FOREVER AND I WILL PRAISE HIM EVERMORE...

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