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Lyrics results 51 - 60 of 150 for happy

51. Rhodes Happy - Til The Dawn Breaks
I'll speak to you But don't you look into my eyes All my flesh will burn I'm here to warn you Children it's your turn Feel the night, live the night 'Til the dawn breaks Feel the night, live the night 'Til the dawn ...

52. Frank Sinatra - Make Someone Happy
Writer(s): styne/comden/green Make someone happy, Make just one someone happy. Make just one heart the heart you sing to. One smile that cheers you, One face that lights when it nears you. One gal you're everything to.
53. Conway Twitty - Happy Birthday Darlin'
Hello darlin' happy birthday I've decided not to give you a present this year In fack I thibk it's about time I took some things away I'd like to take away this suspicion that I know clouds your world at times By giving you some f...

54. Rhodes Happy - Case Of Glass
You can't know them like you know yourself I know I know Therefore find your peace I can't I can't Demand only from yourself I try I try Don't rely on your logic I don't I don't You made your choice Now go...

55. Rhodes Happy - I Cannot Go On
Yes they can say "She's not so great" That they could do the very same I am a legend in my A legend in my own mind Ooh I can feel all that I sing I can do almost anything I am a legend in my A legend in my own mind ...

56. The Wannadies - So Happy Now
I walk around in my room thinking about things to come I close my eyes thinking about what has been I don't feel like going out afraid of meeting someone with a malicious smile asking me how do you feel? But we...

57. Veggie Tales - Happy Ki-yi Birthday
Yippi Ki-Yea, Ki-Yea Today is a special day. Yippi Ki-Yea, Ki-Yoo Today we celebrate yoo-hoo-hoo. Little Joe, Little Joe take a bow. LOOK I MADE A FROSTING COW!! Little Joe, Little Joe Give it a rest....

58. Wanda Jackson - Happy Happy Birthday Baby
Happy happy birthday baby although you're with somebody new God I'd drop a line to say that I wish this happy day would find me beside you Happy happy birthday baby no I can't call you my baby Seems like years ago we met on a day I ca...

59. Peter Cetera - Happy Man
Merely by chance Very unsuspecting You caught my heart Unprotecting me Now I've fallen in love with you Just when I thought Life was free and easy You came along to me Soft and breezy Now I've fallen in love ...

60. Happysad - Sa Takie Chwile
Są takie chwile jak sztylety Rozrywają duszę w kilka sekund ..o nieee Obrazy w mojej głowie , nigdy o nich Ci nie powiem To co ,to co w potłuczonym szkle .. Źle nie wiem ile jeszcze Kto traci oddech i jest bliżej Serce wią...

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