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Lyrics results 21 - 27 for furtado

21. Nelly Furtado - Shit On The Radio
You liked me till' you heard my shit on the radio well I hate to say but pop ain't going solo you liked me till' you heard my shit on the radio but now I'm just too mainstream for you, oh no you liked me till' you seen me on your t.v.<...

22. Nelly Furtado - Breath
(MadChild) Uh huh Uh huh (Nelly) I'm alive, I can feel the blood rushin' thru my veins And that's all I need to know, Cuz I'm not lookin' for a change Cuz I've got friends and enemies, But it just don't bother me,

23. Nelly Furtado - On The Radio
You liked me till you heard my shit on the radio Well I hate to say but pop ain't going solo You liked me till you heard my shit on the radio But now I'm just too mainstream for you, oh no You liked me till you seen me on your t.v. ...

24. Nelly Furtado - Onde Estas
Nas horas do dia/nas horas do dia, Espero a noite/espero a noite. Nas horas do dia/nas horas do dia, Espero a noite/espero a noite. Vejo as ondas a passar pelo mar vejo as ondas a passar pelo mar La la la la...

25. Nelly Furtado - My Love Grows Deeper
My love grows deeper every day and takes a little piece of me My love grows deeper every day and takes a little piece of me My love grows deeper every day, deep into the sea But takes a little piece of me, a little piece of me Oh i...

26. Nelly Furtado - Island For Wonder
The man wrinkles his face But it's already worn The coffe is sour And the shirt is torn But the smile is bigger than the Atlantic sea And it happens to bring out the Atlantis in me Island of wonder Where do you come fr...

27. Nelly Furtado - Explore
Vera's face burnt as a memory of bedroom fun With a lighter and some hairspray Somein in the girls' room Not worse than SHelley's rape behind the McDonald's By a man she thought was fine, didn't tell anyone Or maybe back then ...

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