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Lyrics results 81 - 90 of 150 for eminem

81. Eminem - Sick Freestyle On Martyn Anderson (fat Kid)
I Freestyle to make it worthwhile Make you run the Geographical 8 mile For paul monelly to fill his belly full of my jelly Like Anderson with his square head and pork belly Stop Dead, go ahead, infact, instead why dont you try a ...

82. Eminem - What If I Was White
[Eminem] Yo I got an idea Let me go grab Sticky right quick **sounds of steps** Hey yo Stick, Stick [Sticky] Yo Slim Shady Yo I just had like a nightmah.. Wait it wasn't like a nightmare ...

83. Eminem - Papa Doc Vs. Shorty Mike
Now everybody from the 313 Put your mothefucking hands up and follow me Everybody from the 313 Put your mothefucking hands up Look Look Now while he stands tough Notice that this man did not have his hands up This free world g...

84. Eminem - Papa Doc Battle It's Great
Your lyrics are shitty, like when I cop a squat, who told you you can fuck with the mighty Papa Doc, for steppin' on this stage I should've rocked your knot, don't get too close or you might get shot. Yo nigga ca...

85. Eminem - My Dad's Gone Crazy
[Intro:] [Tuning TV] [Eminem Snortin Crack] [TV Presenter:] Hello boys and girls Today we're gonna talk about father and daughter relationships Do you have a daddy? I'll bet you do [Door opens] who's your daddy? [Ha...

86. Eminem - B-rabbit V.s Lotto 2nd Battle From 8 Mile
{lotto} I'll spit a racial slur honkie sew me this shit is a Horror flick but a black guy doesn't die in this movie i'll do it the lotto style you gotta be kiddin that makes me believe you really dont have an intrest to live in

87. Eminem - Just A Little
Sexy everything about you's so sexy, You dont even know what you got. you're really hitting my spot, oh yeh yeh And you're so innocent, please dont take this wrong coz its a compliment, i just wanna get wiv ur flow oh u g...

88. Eminem - Plant Rap
ok folks enough of the gay jokes especially from a gay broke bitch yourself hey lo this guys doo doo you've worked here longer than me and i get paid more than you do Dawg take a seat, what's this guy standing around for he a...

89. Eminem - Get U Mad
Yo.. yo! (* Eminem hachs up spit *) Mic check.. (My dick!) Testing.. one, two (* Eminem hach-spits on mic *) Ffff-fuck.. (My dick!) My nuts.. My attitude is worse than NWA's was I'll battle you over stupid shit and diss people<...

90. Eminem - Cheese
OOOOOHHHHH....... Every body thinks that EMINEM stinks like a peice of yellow cheese but i say that hes ok..... hm hmhmhmhm oh i wish i were an oscoar miner wiener..... thats what id truly wanna be .... and if i were a oscoa...

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