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Lyrics results 11 - 20 of 31 for dawning

11. Die Krupps - The Dawning Of Doom
a wish so sinful a sin so tasteful a taste so painfull a pain so wishfull a mind confused a cry in the dark a soul seeking shelter in another torn heart words of discourage - struggling for hope a touch of ...

12. Dark Day Dawning - If Only
For now this shallow grin means nothing Vacant as I've found that exceptions too run away What good are words When you don't know what is meant? And what good are memories Of times we never spent? What good is i...

13. Mindrot - Dawning
Destiny roams the fields of burdens Destiny lured into a pit with no grace, no grace... No grace, no joy, no dreams, just waste Being born, seeing light, to fall into the hands of no sight Conceived bright light no sight Evolv...

14. Dark Day Dawning - Hemlock
Cleanse me of this black charade This sheath of invincibility This guaruntee of deathbed regret This fog of another day The blur of consciousness Produced on a lack of undervalued sleep When I said my peace to wanton frien...

15. The Adverts - New Day Dawning
We say don't show your guns, if you don't intend to fight We say don't sleep all day, if you can't keep awake at night Don't screw it up. Don't be a hero. 'Cause we don't need them. Be a panther or a poet. Someone to light the...

16. Dark Day Dawning - Summer Again
Summer again and this world stands still in my heart Beats bare Just like sandpaper It is relief From the cold of the air and the still greater chill within My fate is my face If I make it through just one more year<...

17. Dark Day Dawning - Heavens As Hollow
Heavens As Hollow Repent I survived the onslaught This backfire has left me with contempt And now I laugh At all the sheep Look into the sky Can't you see that you've been Crippled by volition And this ma...

18. Dark Day Dawning - Treehouse Promises
This night's final breath Wraps a man within it's breast Heartbeat stops at last and with it The gathered sigh Regard me a boy Fate lies ahead Only to distance us Everyone so dear Must fall away
19. Dark Day Dawning - Purest Intent
If I had forever I would live this silence I would feed this disease Of which you are the cause You are the cure So hated and yet so sought Penetrating my everything I thought I did I thought I would B...

20. The Creatures - Morning Dawning
The dawning is over the morning is over and I can't look into your eyes a cold November morning a shivering new dawning I watched your energy slide It's sad to see it dying -- that fire once so lively now th...

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