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Lyrics results 31 - 33 for critic

31. Terrorgruppe - Social Critical Song
ever there lies a man He pukes wine, booze and nightrain He and his friends are obviously homeless One of the gang is missing a leg And his friend next to him is pissing in his pants this doesn't bother me I don't care I'm not int...

32. Anal Cunt - You Are A Good Food Critic
your last name's weinstein and your first name's jay you're a food critic and you're fucking gay you have more hair on your face than you have on your head pretty soon you'll have a.i.d.s. and you'll be fucking dead [chorus:]...

33. Embodyment - Critical Error
casualties of a non-war shooting themselves in the feet let me pray before you crush my heart and you swear that you do this in god's name stifling the psalms of the heart take your hands off my throat let me breathe

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