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Lyrics results 41 - 50 of 150 for christian

41. Carpathian Forest - Christian Incoherent Drivel
As the decades and centuries rolled by Most of the christians no longer thought That the second coming of christ Would take place in their own lifetime They firmly believed The awaited return of jesus christ To earth in ord...

42. Christians And Lions - Bones
Over the tracks, with a sack full of matches, I'm gonna burn all the letters I've wrote. Don't worry, darling, I ain't brave enough to catch it, this fire that's licking my hopes. Besides, if I went up like a soaked rolling paper,...

43. Christian Walz - Spend The Night Together
It's your hands that will make it happen It's your lips that will make me smile It's your sounds that will sooth me through nights of happiness when I've been inside of you Now I know you long for me

44. Rasputina - Christian Soldiers
The medevial exorcists used a 20-gallon Brass syringe. A 20-gallon brass syringe, filled with holy water. A 20-gallon brass syringe filled with holy water which they put into, into the anus of the possessed. ...

45. Christian Death - Damn You
R. Williams The true revolution is in mind Remember that and all else shines Tertoma, dying with the host Our food for thought will feed the starving children, Burn their mouths with lies inbred (Doth thou name appear in t...

46. Christian Kane - Sweet Carolina Rain
It gets wetter and when spring rolls along It's hotter than hell than when we met last fall It gets better and better every time we touch Asticky situation we're in We're trapped in the car and it's raining again And girl ever...

47. Christian Death - Dream For Mother
Dreaming about her mother dying My mind is set at ease Number the bodies in the mortal world Spreading disease Nodding aquaintances to be sure Making 'Him' a household world Introduce realism : The Eye of the Beholder...

48. Christian Kane - Spirit Boy
There's a little girl down south And her daddy's got a ranch 'Bout as big as my town And one day I swear I'm gonna go down there and get her out From the letter that I got last fall She said you know you're the one I lov...

49. Christian Bautista - Hands To Heaven
[Intro:] As I watch you move Across the moonlit room There's so much tenderness in your loving Tomorrow I must leave The dawn knows no reprieve God, give me strength when I am leaving So raise your hands to heaven and pray Th...

50. Jean Shepard - Billy Christian
Are you listening Billy Christian if you are then come on home Everything is like you left it I spent all my time alone Guitar pickin' never thrills me like it did when you were here Come on home if you're listening Billy dear Com...

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