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Lyrics results 71 - 80 of 150 for bullet

71. Fluke - Bullet
Aint nothing wrong, Aint nothing wrong, Everything alright, Aint nothing wrong, Not Strictly True, But its the best way yet to make it through, Some errors have been made, Wont go away, Wont make as many more today,
72. Puffball - Bullet Train To Hell
The devil's got me pinned down cuz he made me a deal. He said rock like no tomorrow or your fate will be sealed. Don't turn to the darkside, make sure your music rocks. Or they'll find your soulless body floating up in the docks. ...

73. Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - Betty Lou's Gettin' Out Tonight
Have you heard the news It's all over town If you ain't heard it boys You better sit down I got the story here It's hot off the press Brace yourself now And take a deep breath Grob a hold of something Hold on tight Be...

74. Bob Schneider - Bullets
I gotta freak I gotta flow I gotta throw my ass overboard don't you know The tip I'm on yeah it's the bomb Did I ever tell you that you look a lot like my mom Yeah and your smart I can tell you pull me apart as well And then y...

75. Bob Seger , The Silver Bullet Band - Sunburst
The crowd without a face Begins to fill the space In the arena Flashlights at his feet The lion from the street Awaits the Christians A single strobe ignites the night The smoke begins to rise A sea of staring eyes Gaze ...

76. Bob Seger , The Silver Bullet Band - Rock And Roll Never Forgets
So you're a little bit older and a lot less bolder Than you used to be So you used to shake 'em down But now you stop and think about your dignity So now sweet sixteens turned thirty-one You get to feelin' weary when the work days done<...

77. Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - Rock And Roll Never Forgets
So you're a little bit older and a lot less bolder Than you used to be So you used to shake 'em down But now you stop and think about your dignity So now sweet sixteens turned thirty-one You get to feelin' weary when the work days done<...

78. Ufo - Stopped By A Bullet Of Love
Love and the stranger So very far from home A kid was playing Little Wing I sat drinking on my own Love and danger Oh, they walk hand in hand Said she was an actress Thought I was in a band Stopped by a bullet<...

79. Tear Garden - The Center Bullet
Dead shot through the temple In the temple heard the preacher screech I bored you full of holes Lucretia Saw you crease up in a ball As if you swallowed your own poison Followed as you crawled up to the altar I watched the tabernacle...

80. Inga Liljestrom - Bullet
Your love A foreign Landscape Your mouth The colour Of Rubis Your words They cut Right through me I wouldn't have it Any other way Just stay Sometimes You feel so far away My love I beg you To s...

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