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Lyrics results 71 - 80 of 150 for ballad

71. Oingo Boingo - Ballad Of The Caveman
I'll tell you 'bout a caveman lived a million years ago When mother earth was young and dinosaurs walked to and fro His skull contained but half a brain but he didn't mind at all He's a hot shot caveman, yah do dah (?) Who lov...

72. Rehab - Ballad Of Dusty
Ohhh...yeah, yeah...yea boy...look a here... Man, I done ten more lines than Etch-A-Sketch in my time better catch you fetchin' by nine; better blast your right mind if soft makes you feel hard; hard makes you feel soft got a fifty...

73. Mike Ness - Ballad Of A Lonely Man
I'm young and I'm strong I've got this God forsaken world by the balls! I've got a one-way ticket to freedom Ain't got no one now gonna take it from me I was a soldier, age twenty-one In a war I'm not sure what I was fighting f...

74. John Denver - The Ballad Of Gary Hart
Who's that running down the alley In the dark of Friday night As he zippers up his trousers In the inky slinky light Why, of course, it's good old Gary Leaping over someone's fence Yes, it's good old Gary Hart I wo...

75. Cole Nat King - Ballad Of Cat Ballou
The falling leaves drift by the window The autumn leaves of red and gold I see your lips, the summer kisses The sun-burned hands I used to hold Since you went away the days grow long And soon I'll hear old winter's song Bu...

76. Van Morrison - The Ballad Of Jesse James
Jesse James was a man And he killed many men He robbed the Glendale train And he took from the richer And he gave that to the poorer He'd a hand and a heart and a brain Oh Jesse had a wife to mourn for his life Th...

77. Agents Of Good Roots - The Ballad Of Hobby & The Piano
Lyrics: jones Music: jones Lyrics: Hobby was an only child He couldn't see or hear or read. But heard a voice inside his head Hobby was the deaf kid. Started playing toy piano Practiced morning, noon and night Go...

78. Real Mckenzies - Ballad Of Jon Silver
We were schooner rigged and rakish with a long and lissome hull And we flew the pretty colors of the crossbones and the skull Wed a big black Jolly Roger flappin grimly at the fore And we sailed the Spanish waters in the happy days of y...

79. Midnight Choir - The Ballad Of Emma Deloner
All my dreams go to pieces Each time she pass me by All my friends keep saying That girl ain't the loving kind But whatever I do to hold back brings me down Comes a time you look for trouble Comes a time it comes your ...

80. Caedmon's Call - Ballad Of San Francisco
So I'm walking down the street somewhere outside of San Francisco And I don't really know my way around And I'd love to stay a day or two and get into some trouble But tomorrow I'll be in another town There's at least one coffee b...

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