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Lyrics results 11 - 20 of 150 for animal

11. Nazareth - Animals
I know what I need I need you I can't see nothin else all I can see is you I don't care what they say about my state of mind I know what's good for me and you are just my kind We are animals We are animals We are animals We are an...

12. Damien Rice - The Animals Were Gone
Woke up and for the first time the animals were gone It's left this house empty now, not sure if I belong Yesterday you asked me to write you a pleasant song I'll do my best now, but you've been gone for so long The...

13. Savage Garden - Animal Song
When superstars and cannonballs are running through your head A television freak show cops and robbers everywhere Subway makes me nervous people pushing me too far I’ve got to break away So take my hand now ...

14. Rage - Animal Instinct
[Music by: P. Wagner, M. Schmidt] [Lyrics by: P. Wagner] In the depths of our mind There hides a lust that's really dangerous and blind Waiting for the outburst, for an instigation, I bet You won't be ashamed To ...

15. Hazel O'connor - Animal Farm
{Words & Music: Hazel O'Connor} The cock it crowed "It's morning" the donkey said "Ee-aw" The pigs they grunted expectantly for the farmer to open the door The chickens started clucking, they could not lay no eggs They were j...

16. Animal Planet - Killing Zone
I need a drink of water I think I'm dying of thirst The court's been called to order The judge is gonna do the worst Lend me an ear I got a story to tell I been running so long My feets is starting to swell At two p...

17. Dr. Doolittle - If I Could Talk To The Animals
If we could talk to the animals, just imagine it Chatting to a chimp in chimpanzee Imagine talking to a tiger, chatting to a cheetah What a neat achievement that would be. If we could talk to the animals, learn their languages ...

18. Lou Reed - Animal Language
Miss Riley had a dog she used to keep it in her backyard And when the dog began to bark all the neighbors began to shout Then came a stormy night Miss Riley let her dog out And when the neighbors found him 'round they ...

19. Furia Animal - Mente Perdida
Se oculta en mi mente Es algo irreal Transforma mi forma de ser Se que no soy yo, es otra voz Buscando el olvido de mi soledad Se que estoy aquí Ya no he de volver a volar Vuelven a mi Pensamientos que ciegan mi fe De...

20. Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals
We were neurophobic and perfect the day that we lost our souls maybe we weren't so human but If we cry we will rust And I was a hand grenade That never stopped exploding You were automatic and

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