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Lyrics results 51 - 60 of 150 for adrian

51. Adrian Belew - Neal And Jack And Me
I'm wheels, I am moving wheels I am a 1952 Studebaker coupe I'm wheels, I am moving wheels, moving wheels I am a 1952 Starlite coupe En route Les subterraneans Des visions du Cody Sartori a Paris Strange spaghe...

52. Adriano Celentano - Stai Lontana Da Me (tower Of Strenght)
Io che ho pianto per te pregandoti di stare con me, mi pento, perché non ti voglio, non ti amo, non ti credo e perciò stai lontana da me, non cercarmi perché ho capito chi sei e le strade sono piene di d...

53. Adriano Celentano - Azzurro
Cerco l'estate tutto l'anno e all'improvviso eccola qua. Lei è partita per le spiagge e sono solo quassù in città, sento fischiare sopra i tetti un aeroplano che se ne va. Azzurro, il pomeriggio è troppo azzur...

54. Adrian Belew - Oh Daddy
Oh daddy, when you gonna write that big hit? Oh daddy, when you gonna hit it real big, real big? Well, now that's a tall request for such a small little girl but I'll try, try till I get it just right 'cause I'm gonna mak...

55. Adrian Belew - Only A Dream
The woman screams at the windy day her children play in the acid rain the water is green and the sky is brown the cars and buildings, all broken down Now what in the world is happening here will somebody please explain noth...

56. Adriano Pappalardo - Ricominciamo
E lasciami gridare lasciami sfogare Io senza amore non so stare Io non posso restare seduto in disparte Né arte né parte Non sono capace di stare a guardare Questi occhi di brace e poi non provare Un brivido dentro e cor...

57. Dan Adriano - Way Too Many Times
Isn't often that I stand up to a challenge But today I feel I'm fighting for my soul They give me a quite plate But how much will I leave to waste? Doesn't matter if I wake up and I can't breathe This one's for the world N...

58. Adrian Belew - Nobody's Fool
(Belew/Fetters) Money to burn, I'm on fire danger danger, I'm hot-wired I'm in the business of pleasure a big demand for leisure I'll have my drink at the pool I'm nobody's fool Roll me over, roll me the...

59. Adrian Belew - Word Play Drum Beat
Tear gas gun fire fire arm fire ball pipe bomb hair trigger drive by elephant gun night stick body bag loan shark bone yard man hunt hit man kid nap dead duck mug shot nut house crack house black out black out ...

60. Adrian Belew - 117 Valley Drive
117 valley drive Seemed like heaven when the band arrived With a couple of drums and a couple guitars We'd play our hearts out in my backyard And the people came from everywhere To put their plastic chairs in the summer air Down on v...

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