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Lyrics results 31 - 40 of 150 for addict

31. Jesus Jones - Addiction, Obsession And Me
It's addiction, it's obsession, it's a need to be me It's addiction, it's obsession, so I can feel that I'm free Born in a time that sanctions all desire I fight my insticts all the way Drawn to a strom of things I have to have ...

32. Alec Empire - Addicted To You
Verse: Doesn't matter what I believe Doesn't matter what I believe You mess me up and I want you to hear Got it right back and I want you to hear When you walk, when you talk you're so full of lies excuse me ...

33. Juliana Hatfield - Addicted
I think I'm addicted (addicted). Gotta have it every day. I think I'm addicted (addicted). Diggin' up what I threw away. My body is a shell. A broke an empty shell. A chemical well. A little private hell. I can...

34. Jane's Addiction - Pig's In Zen
pig's in the mud when he tires pig's in zen pig's in zen pig is nude unashamed pig's in zen pig's in zen talkin' bout the pig the pig the pig - uh pa-pa-pa-pa-pig goddamn pig! pig mounts sow ...

35. Angel Dust - Addicted To Serenity
Here I am Just a poor boys dream My life's lost in trouble You know what I mean Knowing the gutter There ain't no escape Life has no offers just my body is raped All my broken promises Intentions that have fai...

36. Depeche Mode - Addiction
I can't help it, I'm not sure what to do Does seem crazy, no good for my health I've seen the doctor, he's come to look at me If you don't believe it, don't believe Closer all the time, Closer all the time Closer all the time, ...

37. Atrocity - Abyss Of Addiction
In the dark night, pleasure arise Searching for lust, thirst for sex The oldest bisiness, in this world Shows itself, a whole noght long She stands here - waiting for - anither John One more night - I doesn't count - anyway

38. Lauren Hoffman - The Addict
As a willowy tendril curls from my lip I think to myself "This is it Just one more breath of your fragrant death Before I quit " In the haze of your gaze I teeter and sway Nothing compares with this But I've quit you before...

39. Sonic Youth - Addicted To Love
The lights are on, but you're not home Your mind is not your own Your heart sweats, your body shakes Another kiss is what it takes You can't sleep, you can't eat There's no doubt you're in deep Your throat is tight, you can't breathe...

40. Pyogenesis - Addiction Pole
(music: Tim Eiermann / Flo Schwarz lyrics: Tim Eiermann) a furious form of life in an age of distrust just everything falls apart no soft beating heart dead colour of night death coloured the night just a deep black light<...

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