Eurovision 2007 - Serbia: Marija Serifovic - Molitva lyrics

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Eurovision 2007 - Serbia: Marija Serifovic - Molitva

(The winner song of Eurovision 2007 song contest)

Ni oka da sklopim,
postelja prazna tera san,
a þivot se topi
i nestaje brzo, k'o dlanom o dlan.

K'o razum da gubim,
jer stvarnost i ne primeãujem,
joð uvek te ljubim,
joð uvek ti slepo verujem.

K'o luda, ne znam kuda,
ljubavi se nove bojim,
a dane, þive rane,
viðe ne brojim.

Molitva, kao þar na mojim usnama je,
molitva, mesto reèi samo ime tvoje.
(I) Nebo zna, kao ja,
koliko puta sam ponovila,
to nebo zna, bað kao ja,
da je ime tvoje moja jedina

Al Bogu ne mogu
lagati sve dok se molim,
a laþem ako kaþem
da te ne volim


I'm wide awake
An empty bed drives my dreams away
Life melts like ice
Disappears in the twinkling of an eye

I'm losing my mind,
Pushing reality out of sight
Our lips are touching softly
You're the one I believe blindly

I walk around like crazy
Falling in love frightens me
Days are like wounds
Countless and hard to get through

It burns my sore lips like a fire
Thy name is something I admire
Heaven knows just as well as I do
So many times I have cried over you
Heaven knows just as well as I do
I pray and live only for you

I can't lie to God
as I kneel down and pray
You're the love of my life
That's the only thing I can say


Je ne peux pas fermer les yeux
Le lit vide dissipe le sommeil
Et la vie se fond
Et disparait vite, en un clin d'œil.

Comme si je perdais la raison
Car je ne vois plus la réalite
Je t'aime encore et
te suits partout

Comme une folle ; je ne sais pas ou aller
J'ai peur d ‘un nouvel amour
Et les jours comme des blessures
Je ne compte plus.

Une priere, comme une braise sur mes levres
est une prière, rien que ton nom au lieu des mots.
Le ciel le sait aussi bien que moi ;
Combiens des fois j'ai répeté
Que ton nom est ma seule prière

Mais je ne peux mentir à Dieu
pendant que je prie
et je ments si je dit
que je ne t'aime pas

Lietuviðkas vertimas

Nesudedu bluosto,
Kai tuðèia ðalia ir sklaidos sapnai,
O dienos vis teka,
Akimirksniu tirpsta lyg trapûs rukai.

Jau temsta mintyse,
Prasmenga iðplaukæ vaizdai,
Pamilau tave amþiams,
Tavim vis tikiu taip aklai.

Blaðkaus lyg pamiðus,
Baugu vëlei meilæ paþint,
O dienos – kaip deganèios þaizdos,
Netruks savo skaièiø primint.

Degina lûpas manas it aistra.
Ir vien tavo vardas joje.

Dangus ir að teþinom,
Kiek kartø tarta,
Dangus ir að teþinom,
Vien tavo vardas – malda.

Pasëti melo neiðdrásiu,
Jei kalbuosi su Dievu,
O meluoèiau, jei iðtarèiau,
Kad tave pamirðt galiu.

(uþ lietuviðkà vertimà aèiû Mystique)

Rating: 3.9/5 (38 votes)

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Comments (60)
What do you think about this song?

Very nice

Gabija (Lietuva 02.01.2009)

bas dobra pesma. Bravo Marija! :)

Allison (US 20.02.2008)

simply addorable.I really love this song and this me inspire every day.maria you are the number one.your song wasn't stolon by "ndarja".you are beautiful in every single way.congratulations.kiss from albania

albi (albania 24.07.2007)

Ma kaj su te iznervirali Hrvati s tom pjesmom vaki, daj ajde ko je tu ljubomoran imali smo puno bolju pjesmu od ove cajke morað i sam priznat da je parodija predobra...

Lana (Croatia 05.07.2007)

The most horible & *** song

DEMI (GREECE 19.06.2007)

kako su me iznervirali hrvati sa onom pesmom "liposukcija" koliko su ljubomorni da je to strasno...

vaki (serbia 14.06.2007)

great song..for chat you can find me- squaw244* :I

Marty (Croatia 11.06.2007)

Don't s*it,Xristiana!! Serbia is the best!!!

Ognjena (Serbia (NS) 08.06.2007)

it was nice but greek song was better!

xristiana (cyprus 05.06.2007)

I love you mi vida is the best song of the festival y las demas menos portugal y ucarnia no valen na

luis (spain 02.06.2007)

Marijina pesma je NAJBOLJA!!! To je dokazala pobedom!!! Jel' tko?!?

Ognjena (Serbia 31.05.2007)

For smocky comentator:Pa ako ti je Molitva dosadna onda ti kroci,kroci i poskoci!

Sarah (Serbia 30.05.2007)

Za Girly:TEBI JE SPANIJA NAJBOLJA?Ti nisi normalna!Molitva je najbolja!SERBIA IS THE BEST!

Mina (Serbia 28.05.2007)

Marija je najbolja...!!!Sledece godine arena ima da bude puna:D...

vaki (serbia 28.05.2007)

Najbolja je bila Spanija. Onaj plavi je bas sexy.

Girly (Serbia 27.05.2007)

For smocky comentator:Daj molim te,nasa pesma dosadna?!?A tvoja?Boze kakav tekst!AJDE KROCI KROCI I POSKOCI TI SI MENI ZAPALA ZA OCI!FUJ!!!Mi ovde pevamo AJDE KROCI KROCI I POSKOCI MUVA MU JE UPALA U OCI!Tekst je uzasan!Poljubice joj crno oko,da da!Sad je sedam nikome te ne dam!HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!VASA PESMA JE CISTO SRANJE!!

Manja (Serbia 27.05.2007)

I think that the english version is not PRAYER.She was singing DESTINY!

Sarah (Serbia 27.05.2007)

I love this song.Especially the English version.I am really uspet that I missed the Marija Serifovic concert in my town(Kragujevac)because I was sick.I was rally looking forward to hearing tha wonderful song

Sandra (Serbia 27.05.2007)

Marija is the best! Smocky comentator (montenegro) your song is not boring? It is the worst song on eurovision!!!

Katarina (Serbia 26.05.2007)

thank you marija!!

milos (serbia 25.05.2007)

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Eurovision 2007 - Serbia: Marija Serifovic - Molitva and all other song lyrics on this site are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational and informative use only. All song texts are personal interpretations of real songs and has no concern to the original texts. All music videos are from Youtube. We don't have any video on our server, this is only an automatic search for videos hosted on Youtube. If you like the song, please buy relative CD.

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