Eurovision 2007 - Israel: Teapacks - Push The Button lyrics

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Eurovision 2007 - Israel: Teapacks - Push The Button

The world is full of terror
If someone makes an error
He's gonna blow us up to biddy biddy kingdom come
There are some crazy rulers
They hide and try to fool us
With demonic, technologic willingness to harm

They're gonna push the button, push the button
Push the bu... push the bu... push the button
Push the button, push the button
Push the bu... push the bu... push the button

Il y a plein de souffrance
Dans la rue y'a trop d'violence
Et on a beaucoup de chance d'être vivant, même pas blessés
Avancement tactique de régime fanatique
Situation tragique qui me met les larmes aux yeux

And I don't wanna die
I wanna see the flowers bloom
Don't wanna go kaput kaboom
And I don't wanna cry
I wanna have a lot of fun just sitting in the sun
But nevertheless

He's gonna push the button, push the button
Push the bu... push the bu... push the button
Push the button, push the button
Push the bu... push the bu... push the button

Mesarim mitpotzetzim alay
Tilim mit'ofefim vegam noflim alay
Shotrim veganavim mitrotzetzim alay
Vehem koftzim alay, mitkartzetzim alay

Alelay, alelay, ta'ane li, Elohay, hay
Hasiyut haze arokh miday
Kshe'ani bekoshi khay vekulam mekavnim elay
Ze mukdam lashir ulay shenatati la khayay

Mishtara, tzevet hatzala
Hine ze bakdam, shir lelo salam
Adom ze lo rak tzeva, ze yoter kmo dam
Shuv otzer balev et hanshima
Shelo tifrakh akhshav haneshama
Hine milkhama, hine hanshama

Bum bum, ze ma shekore akhshav
Ben raketa lemacheta, ben tzofe lekatav
Ben mekhtaf lenekhtaf, ben gashum lesharav
Haslama bamadregot ola vetofeset kav

Klum, klum, ze ma shekulam osim
Kitzonim maktzinim vektzinim martzinim
Hatmimim mitmatnim, mamtinim lantunim
Ve'onim (shekulam khasrey onim)

Olam kulo demonim she'anakhnu stam piyonim
Veshampiyonim im zhitonim makhlitim ma sheyihiye
Nihul be'atzaltayim, oniya mele'a bemayim
Vekulam shotim lekhayim vetov'im ze letzad ze

Ulay ze khad miday
Tzarikh lashir shirey dkalim, shirey midbar lelo dgalim
Ani od khay, khay, khay
Ve'im yamshikh lihiyot mafkhid, rak az ani agid:

I'm gonna push the button, push the button
Push the bu... push the bu... push the button
Push the button, push the button
Push the bu... push the bu... push the button

Rating: 2.8/5 (14 votes)

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Comments (71)
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Perfect site, i like it!

oiwnnPbFOhwi (aXZjARaYfdjnexVCQ 02.04.2010)

Perfect site, i like it!

kBoASKlEvoPJJmoc (aqffxueY 02.04.2010)

I want to say - thank you for this!

ekHxmcMdnPZun (cDjHaXSjRkJvrq 02.04.2010)

Great. Now i can say thank you!

ahCztPMlSwBabiKwoR (lBIGtnNsTMy 02.04.2010)

It is the coolest site, keep so!

eUDxuCHjxzheVcZTkax (DBjvYRpHUOwLhe 02.04.2010)

Excellent site. It was pleasant to me.

VYrzncPxOW (rAhMtwpuhXDPSaZQ 02.04.2010)

Excellent site. It was pleasant to me.

PEnynseLh (gIENjDFzXpbdscwSW 02.04.2010)

Perfect site, i like it!

MSnhDXTaFW (mZZXZWRCuaScg 02.04.2010)

If you have to do it, you might as well do it right.

dLTzYSBlSKH (vsdJBatNq 02.04.2010)

Excellent site. It was pleasant to me.

deacKRIRixB (oWbOPjSyLLFFBV 02.04.2010)

Perfect site, i like it!

qZbdKQEehAdhwJBX (TghNyQgz 02.04.2010)

If you have to do it, you might as well do it right.

wOfDNbNRxGfuGEpQPTB (tQEpVivG 02.04.2010)

I bookmarked this link. Thank you for good job!

rnsAmxfa (UZDgJgoKPZxAE 02.04.2010)

Great. Now i can say thank you!

maIyUGXnol (JXOBvXgOKSntHaopl 02.04.2010)

Great site. Keep doing.

aQdLEPpPzp (UEUxOUWvWhSclWNjs 02.04.2010)

Incredible site!

tugGbCGvrQX (HaAuesImSILOQBU 02.04.2010)

Great site. Good info.

wNJGPYExqWNB (SskCHKknpSvrNKyWWq 02.04.2010)

I want to say - thank you for this!

mflDzBNw (BWmiRpURRdhuytGAJc 02.04.2010)

Great site. Keep doing.

vrfGJyNqrqQWnCIYR (OXXZaPyh 02.04.2010)

It is the coolest site, keep so!

jjCkJtjPlml (mOrxMqHykOmSGuAhHxB 02.04.2010)

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Eurovision 2007 - Israel: Teapacks - Push The Button and all other song lyrics on this site are property and copyright of their respective owners and are provided for educational and informative use only. All song texts are personal interpretations of real songs and has no concern to the original texts. All music videos are from Youtube. We don't have any video on our server, this is only an automatic search for videos hosted on Youtube. If you like the song, please buy relative CD.

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